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Foreign Currency Account

T Bank Limited has now introduced the opening of Foreign Currency Saving Accounts by its prospective customers in USD, AUD, JPY, GBP, and EURO.

Citizens of Bhutan who live both inside and outside of the country can now open FC accounts without obtaining approval from the Royal Monetary Authority.

Additionally, Bhutanese firms and companies with specific approval from the Royal Monetary Authority, as well as foreign nationals (including Indian nationals) staying in Bhutan for an extended period and receiving compensation in convertible foreign exchange, will be permitted to open Foreign Currency Accounts with the Bank's authorized branches.


Foreign Currency Account

FC I for Individual-Bhutanese

All Bhutanese Individuals residing in Bhutan are eligible to open Foreign Currency Account - in any Convertible Currencies.

Permissible Credits:

  • Foreign Currency Cash Deposit
  • Inward Remittances or income by way of remuneration earned in FC
  • Interest earned on deposits
  • Any inflows approved by RMA

Permissible Debits

  • Cash withdrawal of USD 3000 or equivalent in foreign exchange per travel to third countries/India;
  • Current transactions, (excluding payment for import of goods) are permissible as per the Foreign Exchange Rules & Regulations (FERR) upon production of supporting invoice, and validation of repeat debit transactions may be facilitated without supporting documents.
  • Conversion to Ngultrum by transfer to any BTN CASA accounts
  • It is Permissible to send monthly Student Living Allowances to your family members pursuing studies abroad – USD 4800 per month (Third Countries) INR 100,000 per month (India)

  • CID copy
  • Recent passport-size photo
  • Dully filled in the application form.

FC I for Individual-Non-Bhutanese

FC account for Non-Bhutanese requires specific approval from RMA to open an account.

FC II for Entity

FC II for entity requires specific approval from RMA to open an account.

FC III for Bhutanese Living Abroad

FC III for entity requires specific approval from RMA to open an account.

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